Is explicitly cognizant of and attentive to the impacts its decisions have on current and long-term future community and watershed health and welfare. Manages operations, infrastructure, and investments to protect, restore, and enhance the natural environment; efficiently use water and energy resources; promote economic vitality; and engender overall community improvement. Explicitly considers a variety of pollution prevention, watershed, and source water protection approaches as part of an overall strategy to maintain and enhance ecological and community sustainability.
Creating a Livable Community
Good traffic flow measures, storm water management, and urban forestry techniques are all components of a livable community. This CD-ROM contains three programs: Building a Livable Community: Working with Developers to Implement Storm Water Best Management Practices. Take advantage of this walk-through of a storm water management plan for a mixed use residential and commercial development that includes water quality ponds, detention basins, backwater channels, creek restoration, and bioswales. Creating Livable Communities through Traffic Management. Understand emerging trends affecting traffic flow through neighborhoods, and explore new planning techniques and design standards. Urban Forestry: Benefits and Drawbacks of City Trees. Trees clean the air, provide wind, noise, and sun barriers and beautify the landscape of your city. They also drop leaves, crack sidewalks, and hang over roads and sidewalks. Learn from the experts how to care for your urban forest. (CDROM 2004) $$ Order Now
Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect our Waters
EPA’s Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds has released a document to help communities, watershed organizations, water and wastewater utilities, and local, state, tribal, and federal environmental agencies develop and implement watershed plans to meet water quality standards and protect water resources. The “Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters” is designed to help anyone undertaking a watershed planning effort, but should be particularly useful to persons working with impaired or threatened waters. It contains in-depth guidance on quantifying existing pollutant loads, developing estimates of the load reductions required to meet water quality standards, developing effective management measures, and tracking progress once the plan is implemented. New materials were added to the handbook including ways to protect important elements of the landscape and aquatic habitats within a watershed. Free Download Now
The Trend to Low-Impact Development and What It Means to Public Works
Low-Impact Development (LID) does not appear to be a passing trend. Public works departments are seeing a greater acceptance of these principles, not just for new development, but also for retrofit of older neighborhoods. Speakers for this program are experts in implementing LID in communities throughout North America. (2007 CDROM) $$ Order Now
Triple Bottom Line Reporting of Sustainable Water Utility Performance
Sustainability principles require stewardship and effective management over all resources. This report aims to assist US utilities on their journey toward sustainability by providing a guide on how to report on and manage their environmental, social, and economic performance – their triple bottom line, or TBL. TBL reporting can be a good index of how non-financial risks are being managed by your water utility. It requires a focus on achieving the greatest environmental, social, and economic benefits from all activities. Triple bottom line planning and reporting reflect balanced performance of an organization in all these areas. 2007 – Softbound – 147 pp. Catalog No. 91179 $$ Order Now