Product Quality

Ten Attributes – Product Quality

Produces potable water, treated effluent, and process residuals in full compliance with regulatory and reliability requirements and consistent with customer, public health, and ecological needs.

Link to Example Measures


Development of Distribution System Water Quality Optimization Plans
This Awwa Research Foundation report offers step-by-step guidance to help water utilities manage their distribution systems for optimum water quality. Why should utilities that are in compliance with regulatory requirements be concerned with distribution system water quality? Optimizing distribution system water quality management can assist utilities in:

  • Reducing the potential that waterborne pathogens may reach customers’ drinking water

  • Improving distribution system water quality above and beyond regulatory requirements

  • Preparing for future revisions of the Total Coliform Rule that may focus on distribution system operation and maintenance, instead of numeric evaluation of coliform bacteria

  • Identifying and addressing water quality concerns that can be attributed to the distribution system

  • Addressing customer expectations above and beyond meeting drinking water regulatory requirements

  • Developing programs and practices as recommended by AWWA’s distribution system accreditation program

Includes a CD-ROM that contains examples of programs and practices utilities can implement. 2005 – Softbound – 229 pp. ISBN 1583213880; Catalog No. 91069 $$ Order Now

Guidance Manual for Monitoring Distribution System Water Quality
Guidance Manual for Monitoring Distribution System Water Quality provides water utilities with guidance on how to design and implement a distribution system water quality data collection and analysis program. The report includes a comprehensive approach for collection and analysis of water quality information to make costly infrastructure improvements, document benefits of operational procedures, and address consumer complaints. Includes CD-ROM. 2002 – Softbound – 325 pp. ISBN 1583211861; Catalog No. 90882 $$ Order Now

Modeling Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
This comprehensive text discusses the use of water quality models and their potential for enhancing and understanding the factors that affect water quality in distributed water. It covers the development of the USEPA’s EPANET and discusses its application to case studies. The book outlines the major elements involved in water quality modeling. It discusses the development and application of water quality models, and presents the results of applying these models. Storage tank modeling is also covered. 1998 – Hardback – 223 pp. ISBN 0898679729; Catalog No. 20425 $$ Order Now

National Biosolids Partnership (NBP)
NBP is a not-for-profit alliance formed in 1997 by NACWA, US EPA and WEF to advance environmentally sound and accepted biosolids management practices. NBP’s web site includes a technical library and other resources.

National Manual of Good Practice for Biosolids
The manual provides guidance for each process throughout the biosolids value chain based on literature and experience and can be used to optimize existing practice. It is designed to support agencies in the development of biosolids management programs and environmental management systems. (2005) Free Download in PDF

Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (Manual of Practice No. 11; Seventh Edition)
This newly revised edition integrates the experiences, current practices, and innovations from thousands of wastewater treatment plants. The manual has been updated to reflect the latest trends, regulations, and technologies. Available as a three-volume, hard-cover manual with or without study guide and online by the chapter at (2016 pages, 2007) $$ Order Now

Public Works Management Practices Manual
The Manual describes the basic criteria and procedures necessary to perform as a full-service public works agency and provides the framework for the object self assessment of an agency. (Eighth edition) $$ Order Now

Storm Water and Water Pollution Issues
Managing storm water correctly and protecting valuable water resources are essential to your community’s future. This CD-ROM contains six programs: Building a Livable Community: Working with Developers to Implement Storm Water Best Management Practices. Take advantage of this walk-through of a storm water management plan for a mixed use residential and commercial development that includes water quality ponds, detention basins, backwater channels, creek restoration, and bioswales. Developing an Effective and Enforceable Water Resources Protection Ordinance. Find out how one community met the challenge of developing a ground and surface water protection ordinance acceptable to all parties – concerned citizens, business interests, and regulators – using a watershed approach. Finding All the Pieces and Making Them Fit Together: A Comprehensive Storm Water Management Program. An effective storm water management program needs a holistic approach to address NPDES Phase II compliance, public safety, water quality, funding, and public input and buy-in on which best management practices to adopt. The Cost of Maintaining Water Quality Ponds. Maintenance costs can be significantly reduced if water quality ponds are designed correctly. Learn from the experiences of engineers who have been there – what they would do again, and what they would handle differently. The Latest on Storm Water Phase II. Complying with EPA’s Phase II Storm Water rules is still one of your biggest challenges! Listen to a case study featuring the watershed approach and learn about various financing mechanisms used across the country. Think Blue San Diego! Behavioral change is the goal of “Think Blue” San Diego’s award winning, bi-national, and bilingual public outreach and mass media campaign for storm water compliance. Learn how you too can create a successful mass media campaign with limited dollars. (CDROM, 2004) $$ Order Now

Wastewater Collection Systems Management (Manual of Practice No. 7)
This manual is a comprehensive reference addressing procedures, practices, and guidelines for effectively operating, maintaining, and establishing or reestablishing wastewater collection systems as dependable public utilities. This Manual of Practice serves as a systems guide and includes principles of operation and management that have been developed over the years. Collection systems managers will benefit from this guide by being able to establish or reorganize their systems operations. (272 pages, 2009) $$ Order Now

Water Quality and Treatment: A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Fifth Edition
Used by more engineers, water operators, and students worldwide than any other text for over 60 years, this renowned text provides a complete technical reference on municipal water quality and treatment in one volume. It begins by explaining drinking water regulations, health issues and goals, water chemistry, and pathogens and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Following this, chapters go into detailed explanations of water treatment unit processes (including membrane technologies), disinfection, fluoridation, and maintaining water quality in the distribution system. An excellent desk reference for the working professional, this book is also ideal for teaching, as it provides sample problems and solutions in each chapter. Water Quality and Treatment, Fifth Edition is an absolutely essential reference for all serious professionals in municipal water supply. 1999 – Hardback – 1233 pp. ISBN 0070016593; Catalog No. 10008 $$ Order Now

Water Treatment Made Simple for Operators
This book is an easy-to-understand introduction to the increasingly complex functions of water treatment plants. It’s a perfect primer for anyone pursuing Water Treatment Plant Operator certification, and a succinct refresher for new hires since it covers all the fundamental proficiencies of water treatment, including laboratory testing, hydraulics, mathematics, chemistry, water transmission, disinfection, and microbiology. Water Treatment Made Simple also serves as a highly illustrative reference featuring dozens of handy problem-solving tables that are invaluable for troubleshooting on site, and brief and simplified versions of fundamental principles in each chapter, supplemented with common problems and possible solutions. (2005) $$ Order Now

Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Infrastructure Management
This publication presents a coherent, integrated picture of water and sewer infrastructure management and provides comprehensive coverage of the latest research on management practices for water and sewer capital facilities with an emphasis on infrastructure. Taking a life-cycle approach to the management of physical capital facilities, this well-illustrated reference provides the how-to’s for planning, budgeting, designing, constructing, and managing the physical infrastructure of water and sewer systems. The integrated presentation of topics allows for direct application of material to job-related functions. (2012) $$ Order Now